Choose your operating system and system type 32bit or 64bit and then click on the highlighted blue link (hyperlink) to download the driver. You can download the HP Officejet 4630 drivers from here. HP Officejet 4630 driver & software download link We have just listed all those here for visitors conveniently free of charge :):), see below for the download link. Note: This driver is the same one listed on HP’s official website.
(Method 1): Download drivers from the below download section (Direct link) – Go to the download section. Step4: Now, download the drivers – you have two options to download the drivers: A and B, see below. Step3: Determine your OS system type: 32bit or 64bit. Step2: Secondly, determine your operating system.
Note: Look at the printer front, top and back physically to get the exact model number. Step1: First of all, determine your printer’s exact model number.